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apexart's NYC proposals

apexart’s NYC proposals

Become part of apexart’s next exhibition season

apexart’s Open Calls are opportunities for artists, curators, and other professionals to turn their curatorial idea into an apexart exhibition, combined with inviting apexart’s international community to collectively determine their programming through an online jury process. Winning proposals become part of apexart’s next exhibition season and receive funding and staff support. apexart is not a granting organization-all exhibitions are part of apexart’s programming.

Anyone, from anywhere can submit. There are no fees involved at any level. Creative people who have interesting exhibition ideas, trained and student curators, artists, writers, and creative individuals, regardless of experience level, background, or location can apply.

apexart has increased the budget substantially to $10,000 for each Open Call exhibition and related programming. Each curator/organizer must work within apexart’s budget to cover expenses including curator travel, artwork shipping, artist and public program participant honorariums, equipment, installation, and venue fees with $8,000 of the budget. Of the $10,000, the curator/organizer receives up to a $2,000 honorarium for coordinating the project and writing the exhibition brochure essay.

apexart covers costs for approved insurance, advertising, publicity, documentation (NYC exhibitions only), the design, printing, and mailing of the exhibition brochure, and the local opening reception. apexart oversees and handles most of the exhibition logistics, including loan agreements and shipping. The apexart team works closely with guest curators/organizers to turn their ideas into apexart exhibitions.

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