Cultural & Artistic Responses to Environmental change
Cultural & Artistic Responses to Environmental Change is a year-long interdisciplinary programme that is aimed at accelerating engaged community-based cultural practices at the intersection of arts and the environment, initiating an international network of creatives, and fostering leadership. Through this programme Prince Claus Fund & Goethe-Institut create a platform to explore critical artistic practices, stimulate joint learning, connect engaged practitioners across the world, stimulate cross-disciplinary exchange, and amplify new perspectives on environmental change.
The mentorship brings together 12 emerging artists and cultural practitioners (± 8-15 years of relevant professional experience) with 4 mentors, all working across a range of disciplines and environmental issues. Throughout 2023, these 12 individuals will each work on a body of work, form a peer-group, receive guidance, exchange ideas, and jointly delve deeper into their practices. The 4 mentors, all experts on the intersection of arts and the environment, guide the participants throughout the programme.
The programme consists of two Labs (week long mentoring intensives, one in person and one online), bi-monthly online masterclasses and peer-group sessions, and a visitor’s programme in Amsterdam and Berlin. Each participant receives an award of €10.000 to work on the concept for a body of work that they outline in their application.
With this initiative Prince Claus Fund & Goethe-Institut invite artists and cultural practitioners both from and based in our working countries to envision a better future for our planet through artistic practices.
Timeline: The deadline for the submission of project applications is 31 May 2022 23:00 CEST.
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