International artist residency for animated films
This call for application concerns only non-french authors who live abroad.
NEF Animation is a francophone platform for professionals dedicated to the writing of and about animated film.
NEF Animation is a place of reflection on animation as an art form, a place of resources for research and studies, a place of convergence for initiatives and a place for developing projects.
Among its missions, NEF Animation supports the writing and the creative research in the field of animated film by developing artist residency programs that encourage international mobility.
The International Residency for Animated Films is hosted and coproduced by the Royal Abbey of Fontevraud, one of the most important sites of the Loire valley (France).
The International Residency for Animated Films allows authors to immerse themselves one month into their work without caring about material constraints in a peaceful and inspiring atmosphere and enable them to meet and exchange with other artists in residency.
Authors can apply with any personal projects of short, medium or full length animated films. Project of animated film in new or hybrid formats (artistic installation, virtual reality, transmedia, video-mapping, TV series or TV special, animated documentary, etc.) are also accepted.
The residency applies particularly to projects at the stage of research, pre-development or writing (scenario, graphism, music…).
The residency lasts one month. In 2022, there will be two residency periods: from the march 31st to april 29th 2022; from september 29th to october 28th 2022.
The selectees will be split between one or the other of these two residency periods, according to the accomodation capacity and the wishes formulated at the time of their application.
The selectees are given a creation grant of 1200 euros.
The travelling expenses are reimbursed on the basis of a price schedule calculated proportionally to the distance between home and the Abbey of Fontevraud.
The residents are housed at the Abbey.
Further information: