Open Call Municipal Art Acquisitions 2022
In the context of the biannual Municipal Art Acquisitions (2022 edition), the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam organizes an Open Call entitled ‘Guna-Guna: Design, Contemporary Art and Diasporic Magic’. This Open Call will be followed by a jury selection and a group exhibition, parts of which will be acquired for the collection of the museum.
Only artists living and/or working in the Netherlands have the possibility of submitting an application.
Ever since the Municipal Art Acquisitions are organized through Open Calls, each edition has focused on a specific discipline or combination of disciplines. Both design and visual arts were selected for this edition, with particular emphasis on objects, sculptures and other projects that directly or indirectly involve guna-guna.
Guna-guna is a concept that tantalizes, speaks to the imagination and is surrounded by a mysterious haze of inexplicability. Guna-guna is a silent and mystical force that can be productive, protective, deflective or destructive. This phenomenon can manifest itself in many ways: spirits, protective entities, the realm of animals and plants, folklore creatures, natural or occult and inexplicable events. This Open Call is concentrated on the notion that objects may possess a soul or supernatural force that cannot be seen, but that certainly can be felt.
This Open Call is intended for designers and artists working and/or living in the Netherlands, regardless of nationality. Existing works, works in progress and works to be developed specifically for this exhibition are eligible for submission. A selection will be on show at the Stedelijk Museum from 29 October 2022 onwards. During the exhibition, director Rein Wolfs—in consultation with the Stedelijk curatorial team—will announce which works will become part of the museum’s collection.
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