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PhotoIreland Festival 2021

National and international artists, including writers, researchers, curators

PhotoIreland Festival invites national and international artists and practitioners, including writers, researchers, curators, emerging and established, to propose works to be part of PhotoIreland Festival 2021, joining invited practitioners. The 12th edition will take place in Dublin in July 2021, with exhibitions and events running throughout the month.

Submissions and proposals are invited on the general topic of Food and the Politics of Food. The points of investigation may include, but are not limited to:
Food and its industries: research, production, distribution, advertising, and consumption
The environmental impact of food
Food histories and traditions
Colonisation and decolonisation of food (plants, animals, produce, diets, taxonomies, etc.)

Welcomed proposals:
Lens-based artistic work and curatorial projects
Events, including proposals for critically engaged food presentations
Workshops, talks, and participative events
Scientific research and relevant texts

Artistic and curatorial projects are invited from lens-based practitioners working within mixed media, moving image, technology-based, as well as other experimental practices, as much as those with a formal and traditional approach. Performative pieces, those requiring screenings, event-based pieces, or other non-conventional exhibition presentations are also encouraged to be submitted. Are also welcome works created specifically for digital environments such as websites, social media, games, etc., as much as those that propose experimental crossovers of methodologies and technologies. In addition, PhotoIreland Festival 2021 welcomes essays, articles or other written works that engage with the subjects proposed.

PhotoIreland Festival pays appropriate artist fees and covers production costs and works with its cultural partners and grant aiders to contribute to personal costs relating to travel, accommodation, and subsistence, whenever required.

Selected submissions will be proposed a role within the programme that could be part of the main exhibition, part of the event series, or other manifestations.

The deadline for submissions is GMT midnight Monday 1st March 2021.

PhotoIreland Festival 2021 asks for a maximum of 20 images per project to be submitted.
Separate projects will be considered as separate submissions.

This call is open to practitioners of all stages whether emerging, mid-career, or professional.

Further information: