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Visit Bruges © Jan Darthet

Reiefestival open call for professional creators and artists

Stage-related artistic projects

The Reiefestival is a new arts festival that connects heritage and history with contemporary performing arts. The festival takes place at various open-air locations on and around the canals of Bruges and will run over several days in August 2023. It focuses on new creations.

Every edition the festival will work with a certain theme. For 2023 the theme is ‘Faith’.
Faith in this matter does not only refer to the different world religions but also to personal forms of faith, to conviction and to forms of superstition who are deeply rooted in our daily life. It contains the spiritual experience that allows to leave everyday reality and awareness behind and dissolve into a bigger whole. What is the role of faith today and does it differ from the distant or recent past? Where does faith end and does it become an unwavering truth?

The Reiefestival is looking for professional creators/artists who are active in the broader arts field in one or more stage-related artistic disciplines, such as theatre, music theatre, performance, dance, music, sound art, spoken word and circus. The festival is putting diversity in scale and form first. The Reiefestival focuses on creators/artists who already worked with heritage as artists who want to work with heritage for the first time. The Reiefestival is looking for stage-related artistic projects inspired by Bruges’ rich history and heritage.

The Reiefestival will act as co-producer of your project.

Further information: